
未来概念阿斯顿马丁-DB1 Aston Martin DB-ONE Concept

你可能要失望了,因为这只是一位汽车设计系学生(大师级)的作品,不是官方概念。这位设计师是Ruben Vela,西班牙的,他吸取阿斯顿马丁的精华,然后画出了这辆车。个人看来,屁股太嚣张,不是AM的作风;气质不够高雅,引擎盖太鼓;轮毂风格跑了。其他都不错,以上只是个人喜好:)

The Aston Martin DB-ONE is an original interpretation of the classic sportscar theme. The author is Ruben Vela, who has a Master Degree in Automotive Design at the Polytechnic University (Valencia, Spain).
"To design this car, I have taken the D.N.A. of Aston Martin (which are the big front grille, the long bonnet and the side grilles) and I have re-designed it to obtain a fresh product" explains Ruben.

