iPhone到手了! I got an iPhone!
当然不是到我的手里啦,是那些大洋彼岸的人们。iPhone一上市,全球手机商都要抖一下,我还从来没见过哪个手机让人们如此疯狂。他们排队、他们卖自己的排位、他们穿iPhone T-恤、他们炫耀自己的iPhone、他们肢解iPhone......看图去吧!
Lucky Americans.I have to wait to 2008 to get the iPhone.Look at those crazy men.They wait in line.They sell their seats.They ware iPhone T-shirt.They show their iPhones.They separate their iPhones...Look at the pictures!
Btw,if you wanna see the latest and most colourful photos of iPhone.Just fresh here again and again.