我的N73正在用的主题 The Theme I'm using in my N73
看到各个论坛上惨不忍睹的S60主题后,我想我是时候来拯救你们了!这是*badboythemer的作品,叫Vista ultimate series60v3。还有,不用担心那难看的蓝色图标,装好后其实不是那样的。点击这里下载。顺便再送一张比较配的壁纸,截自~Katosu的.: Orange optimism :.。
I saw many guys' S60 Nokias are using damn ugly theme.And they don't know.Now,let me tell you what's a cool theme.The Vista ultimate series60v3 made by*badboythemer. Download it here.And don't worry about the ugly blue icons.They may not show up as you setupped it.By the way,present you a nice wallpaper I cropped from.: Orange optimism :.of~Katosu.