2057年的奔驰“银流”概念车 The Mercedes-Benz SilverFlow in 2057

这辆复古前卫的概念车由Gorden Wagener, John Gill and Kevin Kang设计。他们幻想这辆车可以变形,由超微金属颗粒、磁场和预先控制集成程序控制,以满足不同路况和需求,甚至在车祸和维修中起作用。外观请看图,金色的设计灵感来源于奔驰赛车历史上的黄金时期。

The SilverFlow concept of Mercedes-Benz is one of the entrants of the Los Angeles Auto Show Design Challenge 2007.
"Under the theme of Robocar 2057, Mercedes's designers envisioned a car capable of transforming its shape by use of micro-metallic particles, magnetic fields, and a predefined assembly program; thus allowing the SilverFlow to adapt to its required purpose or, in the event of an accident, repair itself."From eMercedesBenz.

Source: eMercedesBenz